Fitter. Trinidad and Tobago

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Trinidad and Tobago, SAN FRENANDO
36 years
Contacts are available for registered crewing agencies or shipowners only.
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Able SeamanFitter
4000 $
Fluently English
18.12.2018 Readiness
more than month since
last visit was
Trinidad and Tobago, Fyzabad
35 years
Contacts are available for registered crewing agencies or shipowners only.
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FitterOrdinary Seaman
350-450 $
Fluently English
24.09.2018 Readiness
more than month since
last visit was
Fitter. Trinidad and Tobago
AB, OS, seamen, maritime, crew cv, application form, CVs, resumes, curiculum vitae, candidates, employees, international, merchant marines, deck ratings, deck officers, deep see navigator, mate, experience, rank, sailor, looking for a job